The first thing we did was head on over to Fort George Brewery for lunch and a couple beer samplers. We got to try each of the beers on tap and were most impressed by the Sunrise Oatmeal Pale Ale, the Nut Red Ale, and a seasonal brew, the Illuminator Doppelbock. Tasty beers, nice atmosphere, less tasty fish tacos. But I'd eat there again in a heartbeat.
Next we went up to the roof of the Hotel Elliott for one of the best views of the city. The Hotel Elliott is a renovated 1920's hotel and they keep their rooftop open to the public. Made me wish we'd driven to town the day before so we could've spent the night there. Here are some views:

After that we wandered around downtown for a while before walking over to the Captain George Flavel House Museum (with a quick stop in front of the Goonies-featured County Jail so Nico could take some pictures). The Flavel House was built in 1885 for one of the richest and most-respected families in coastal OR at the time. The grounds have been renovated and most of the house has been renovated as well. We took the tour and then relaxed for a while on a stone bench beneath one of the large old trees.

Then we drove out to one of the beaches closer to the mouth of the Columbia before heading over that rediculously long bridge to the WA side of the river, then on into Longview for some surprisingly good Thai food.

And no matter what you may hear, I really didn't get that sunburnt.
Mostly it was just a great day of exploring and catching up with friends. A little beer, a little sun, a little history. An adventure. The good kind.
It's always interesting to me when people visit Astoria and Long Beach (fyi - Longview is the stinky town up the river on I5). Since I grew up on the Peninsula and went over to Astoria a lot (that's where the only theater was, where the only real clothing stores were, our dentist and my dad's fish buyers), I have a lot of memories of certain shops, streets and corners. It's always neat to see it with fresh eyes.
(I can show you the exact spot on the bridge railing where the robot from Short Circuit to jumped off.)
Yep, I know Longview is the town on I-5. That's where we went for thai food. Little hole-in-the-wall place but it was good. Haven't been to Long Beach yet.
Any cool beach glass?
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