OOOH! Smell those radical politics:

What? People are still making zines?
Basically, the library system is in the process of adding zines to the collection. One of the large branches is trying them out and if it goes well there, then the other branches that want to will be able to have zine collections as well. Our main zine librarian couldn't make it to the symposium so she asked me if I wanted to go instead. Did I ever!
The PZS did a lot to renew my interest in zines. One of my friends volunteers at the Independent Press Resource Center in Portland and she's been asking if I'd like to do a zine with her. Well, now I certainly do! It would be a lot of fun if we could get it off the ground and have a table at the PZS next year.
Walking around and looking at all the tables was pretty awesome, but I really almost liked the workshops better. I didn't get to go to all the ones I wanted to because several of them were happening at the same time (curses!) but I did manage to attend: Multnomah County Library Tour, How To Do Everything, Queer Zine History, Zinester's Guide to the US Mail, and Bi-Weekly Madness. I also think it would be cool if next year all the zine librarians got together as a panel and did a workshop for all the zinesters who are interested in getting their zines into library collections. But eh, we'll see.
Your idea for a panel about helping zinesters learn how to get zines into library collections is great! You should totally submit it it to PZS for next year and recruit some panel mates..
Cliff still talks about how much he liked your zine and how he wishes you were still writing one.
Hey, did you get to meet Sara Ryan? She's a YA librarian here in Portland who also does some zine collecting for Multnomah.
ps (found you via ravelry!)
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